
Tisdale's superannuated teachers attend 'to hell with the bell' breakfast
Tisdale - Wednesday, September 1, 2010 by: Darlene McCullough

Tisdale Chapter President, Bob Donnan, welcomed forty-four superannuates to breakfast at the Riverside Golf Course on Monday, August 30.  They were gathered to celebrate the opening day of classes for the active teachers and the fact that the superannuates no longer  had to be in their classrooms. A special welcome was extended to the new members of the group - Shirley DeMarsh and Lorna Manson.
Newsletters were distributed and Bob discussed the planned activities for 2010 - 11 as outlined in it.  He announced that new Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan pins were available for purchase at $2 each.  Saskatchewan Teachers Federation diaries were available to those members who wished to have these.  He also reminded the members that the chapter does keep archives and these are preserved in three binders.  Members could browse through the third volume which was on display.   
Jim Hoffart, Jeanne McCorriston, and Bill Zorn were presented with pens symbolizing their ten years of membership in the Tisdale Chapter. 
Following this short business meeting, many superannuates enjoyed a round of golf.